We cannot escape the necessity of humanity, no matter what technology makes possible. He adds that while technology can contribute to powerful positive social change, that change won’t happen simply because the technology exists. Winner, however, argues that while technology will bring about change, that change won’t necessarily be good because technological advances will replace human jobs and will only benefit those already capable of taking advantage. It’s a nice idea that, with technology, we can make the world the best possible place. We see this ideology at work all the time in the marketing of, say, Apple products, or the earnestness of the propaganda surrounding the One Laptop per Child program. Winner has introduced the notion of mythinformation, the almost-religious conviction that a widespread adoption of computers and communications systems, along with access to electronic information, will make the world a better place for all. Scholar Langdon Winner is concerned with technological progress and how people adopt these new technologies with (or without) critical inquiry.